
About International Parliament For Safety Peace And Justice

The International Parliament for Safety, Peace and justice exist for the purpose of promoting peace and justice around the world. Drawing attention to Insecurity, Conflict and Injustice which contravene national and International accepted standard of human behaviors and reminding al nation to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations convention and agreement which they are signatures to peaceful co-existence in the entire world.

At this critical time in the history of humanity in every Nation needs embrace peace in light of the increasing political, tension, terrorism and security challenges in our Nations. IPSJ has come as a voice and as an instrument to Educate, Teach, Train, Inform and Sensitize the general public on the conversance of these three keys, which are: Safety, Peace and Justice to all mankind. IPSPJ is committed to the Safety, Peace, Justice and the prevention around the world. IPSPJ seeks to accomplish these three goals through partnering with government, inter-government and non-governmental organization to inform, knowledge transfer and development, Promotion of dialogue training and information distribution, bringing people together and reminding them of our common humanity of the same creator which is one God.

On this note IPSPJ is devoted to strengthening of the idea of Safety, Peace and Justice both within and among all people and Nations.

The IPSPJ was established in Africa on nd the 2 of February, 2020 by the appointment of Cardinal Prof. Esapa Sona Joseph Dominion as the African President. The IPSPJ has really achieve much since its establishment in Africa, its has created much impact in many African countries reminding us that we are responsible for the Safety, Peace and Justices to all Humanity. Peace can only be achieved, if people can respect each other views. Peace provides a valuable opportunity for us to asset our progress. When people start to respect other feeling and their religion, Peace starts to develop in that region.

The International Parliament has held several international peace conferences workshops, and seminars in many African countries like; Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal etc.

The international Parliament for Safety, Peace and Justice is Incorporated in South African, Cameroon and Ghana in the services of the social culture affairs with decree number 507G.37C84VOLI/SASC to serve as the international world headquarter.

True PEACE is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of Justice..

The Profile Of His Excellency. His Eminence, Cardinal, Professor Esapa Sona Joseph Dominion. JP. IHRD


His Eminence Cardinal (Prof) Joseph Dominion was born on the 17th September, 1972 into the family of late Mr. Esapa Martin Mboe and late Deac. Helen Esapa of Ikiliwindi Kumba Meme Division of South west Cameroon central Africa. Just as the philosophical expression has made known that the level of one’s educational background and versatile experience in one’s determines his level of interaction, same is applicable to Prof. Cardinal Joseph Dominion.

Cardinal (Prof) Joseph Dominion started and attended his primary education at the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBS), where he obtained his First School Leaving certificate (FSLC) in 1978. Consequently, Prof Joseph attended the Bishop Rogan College at Soppo Buea, South West Cameroon, from where he acquired his General Certificate of Education (GCE/SC) IN 1989.

Cardinal Prof Joseph realized then the significance of biblical injunction in the first book of Timothy Chapter 4:13 “Giving attendance to reading” and 2 Timothy 2 vs 10 “ Study to show thyself approved unto God as a workman who need not be ashamed but rightly dividing word of truth”. He quickly enrolled into the Missionary advanced College Seminary (MACOTIS NIGERIA) within his first two years, through hard work and research, he succeeded and obtained his ministerial certificate in Theology of Mission (MCTM) and Diploma in Theology (DIP. Th). Between 2002 and 2005, he continued his educational research work which led him to the acquisition of his Bachelor (BA) in Christian Religious Education and Management, from the famous and popular United Christian University (UCU MACOTIS NIGERIA CAMPUS WORLDWIDE) in association with the MACOTIS Advanced College of Business Education as approved by the Ministry of Education, Imo State of Nigeria.

Cardinal Prof Joseph continued his master’s programme in the same United Christian University of MACOTIS CAMPUS from 2006 – 2007 November when he had his Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Christian Religious Education and Management. It was as a result of his general academic input and output, coupled with his general philanthropic disposition to nation building, including his generosity to humanity that motivated the Senate and Government Council of the renowned International Christian University to consider him I appreciation by conferring the Doctor of Divinity upon him.

While waiting to round off his academic Ph. D in same discipline from same University came 2009. It is pertinent to say that Cardinal (Prof) Joseph Dominion was officially ordained as a minster of the Gospel in the Pentecostal Church of Living Faith Church (aka) WINNERS CHAPEL Kaduna, Nigeria. After attending the word of Faith Bible Institute (WFBI) in the year 2002, Cardinal (Prof) Joseph Dominion dug deeper into the study of Demonology and Spiritheraphy, which led him today the study of simply regard as demon bulldozer. He was conferred with the meritorious Award Honour as a Special Pillar of Development (SPD) of UMICU, USA MACOTIS CAMPUS.

As a priest of the most High God both Orthodox and Pentecostal Churches of Cameroon, Gabon, and Nigeria, he has relentlessly planted many churches within and outside each of the mentioned countries of the world. God Almighty has made him the following due to his services to God and humanity:-

  • 1.President/Founder Dominion Tabernacle Int’l Church (City of Open Show) World Pilgrimage Center, Eneka Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 2005.
  • 2.General Overseer, Dominion Ministries World Wide (DMWW).
  • 3.Member Christian Police Fellowship, Rivers State Chapter 2006.
  • 4.EDITOR Dominion Publication Ministry of Dominion Tabernacle (DPMDT) 2008.
  • 5.Director Dominion Gospel Center Bookshop. 2008.
  • 6.Executive Member Council of Bishops and Pastors Freedom Worldwide, South South Chapter, Rivers State (Position: Adviser and Coordinator, West Africa) – 21/8/2008.
  • 7.Consecrated as a Bishop by the Council of Bishops and Pastors Freedom World Wide U.S.A – 26th April, 2008.
  • 8.PATRON Chaplaincy International LTIGTE (CILGCORPS) 6th Dec. 2014.
  • 9.Ambassador for Peace - Global Peace Festival Foundation – 7th June, 2010.
  • 10.Doctorate Award – United Missionaries Int’l Christian University – 13th March, 2008.
  • 11.Award – A gift of honour for his humanitarian service to mankind.
  • 12.Nigeria Top Leaders Golden Award – 2010 by Universal Legionary Achiever Int’l. Golden Award of Top Leaders Media Communication Nigeria.
  • 13.Meritorious Leadership Award (MLA) 2010 by Triumphant News Magazine Nigeria.
  • 14.Universal Legendary Recognition Int’l. Defender of the Christian Faith Solder Award by the Association of Bishops, Pastors and Gospel Ministers international Network.
  • 15.President – Association of Bishops, Pastors and Gospel Ministers Int’l. Network (ABPGMIN) Nigeria 2013.
  • 16.Prestigious African I con Legacy Award, Johannesburg South Africa by Noble Global News Magazine, 2016.Gravida a mi neque

He is an erudite scholar, academic giant, a divine reputable minister of the gospel, a terror to the camp of the enemies, a man who makes the garrison of the devil to quake and be flabbergasted as a result of divine vibrant lucrative vibration, a straight to point servant of God, an Int’l Christian Philanthropist in a high tension; a no nonsense minister of the gospel who trusted in God and believes that with God all things are possible and that one with God is majority. His PORTFOLIO includes:-

  • General Superintendent, Judah Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Nigeria (COGIC).
  • President & Founder, Dominion Tabernacle Int’l. Church Nigeria.
  • National President, Association of Bishops, Pastors & Gospel Ministers Int. Network.
  • Chairman, Association of Surface Tank Oil & Gas Retailers of Nigeria.
  • Director, Weights & Measures Cross River State.
  • President, Dominion Visionary School of Ministry Nigeria.
  • World President, International Parliament for Safety, Peace, Justice

The World Peace Advocate

Whenever we talk or discuss about human rights we do talk of social justice. Though social justice has broad perspective depending on different situations and conditions, in simple language this is about the international rights and equality of man. When there is division amongst people in various perspectives, individuals and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opp ortunities for personal activity, and social privileges. It often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what they are due from the society. It assigns rights and duties in their institutions of society, which enables to receive the basic benefits and burdens of co-operation. The relevant institutions often include taxation, social insurance, public health. Public school, public services, labour law and regulation of markets, enable fair distribution of wealth, and equal opportunity.

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite” .

It is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We advance social justice when remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability. For the United Nations, the pursuit of social justice for all is at the core of global mission to promote development and human dignity. The adoption by the International Labour Organization of the Declaration on Social Justice or a fair Globalization is just one recent example of the UN system’s commitment to social justice. The Declaration focuses on guaranteeing fair outcomes for all through employme, nt, social protection, social dialogue, and fundamental principles and rights at work. Different actors and players or stake holders have different roles to play for ensuring social justice for all. Social justice is a must so that each and every individual irrespective of their backgrounds may exercise their rights and contribute towards positive changes in the society. Different government mainly developing nations must focus more on social justice as there is a difference among citizens in developing countries. Together all of us can make a difference and let us commit ourselves that we shall ensure social justice for the progress of humanity and to achieve sustainable development for ourselves.

In the year 2001, which was declare by the United Nations as the International year of peace and Non-violence, FUCN began the Justice for Peace Appointment/Awards which is the highest calling of recognition to those individuals whose live exemplify the ideas of living for the sake of others and who dedicate themselves to the promotion of universal moral values, strong family life, interreligious cooperation, international harmony and establishment of a culture of peace. In addition to acknowledge these special qualities, the appointments encourage these special individuals to be role models in community services and in peace making. Our trustees recognize that you exemplify these qualities.

By this appointment you have been made a peace advocate of the United Nation with the responsibility of conflicts resolutions in line with the best international practices and other activities that encourage peaceful and positive living. You will join a very selected group of individuals as champions of Human dignity for world peace. This honour provides opportunities for interactions and networking among other distinguished and respected Members and Peace Advocates which include top Governments officials, clerics, traditional rulers, educationists, businessmen and women, community leaders, politicians, women and youth leaders and civil society all over the universe.

By the virtue of this status, you have the privilege of hosting the United Nations and Nigerian Flags in your permanent residence and office, peace Justice and Human are protected by the laws of the public international law and the convention of Wien of 18th April 1961. The seat of the international presidency in the international parliament of states for safety and peace, as well as all the diplomatic seats operating in the different Nations, are considered neutral territories after settled that the neutrality is a term belonging to the public international law that establishes the impartiality and the complete abstention of partisan initiatives of a state, while others are at war. Moreover it’s a very widespread opinion that international unions.

Pro veritate, for the subjects of the executives competence of the lord president of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, we can surely affirm that the appointment of ambassadors, ministers and of any other office, taking shape of the attribution of the qualification of the “external authority” according to the international law, are of exclusive competence of the lord president, who is completely equivalent to a head of States their own ambassadors, ministers and charges d’ affaires. So, he enjoys all privileges, the immunities and the honours reserved to the heads of states; most in general you can refer back to the well-known conventions of Vienna of 1961 and 1963. The international parliament has two branches: the High Chamber of senators and the deputies Assembly has 800 deputies. Both senators and parliamentary deputies and councilors are elected every five years by the supreme council or presidents and they can be confirmed again in the future elections. According to the international Law regulations, the members of the international parliament enjoy the immunity inside the states that have normal diplomatic relations, for other Nations, where it does not exist such protocol relations, the members can enjoy only the functional immunity: as a matter of fact the cannot be prosecuted or their political and diplomatic activity in defense of peace, security, freedom and justice.

Our Devoted Team Members

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